Since I left off last week, I’ve been mostly taking it easy. I do not want any kind of permanent damage to my knees. They have been better, but I am still feeling they aren’t 100% right.
I didn’t want that to get in the way of getting what needed doing from getting done. I never got out to do laundry on Thursday, so that was a priority on Friday. It didn’t take that long, I went over to the “Due Dirty Laundry” laundromat and took up 4 regular size front loaders. Was back home in about an hour and a half. Not too bad.
We had gotten a few of the items Bill ordered. Having everything he needed, he set out to make our heated fresh water hose. Some people just buy them, but you should know Bill well enough by now to know if there is a less expensive or potentially better working option available, he is all about that. He actually enjoys this kind of stuff, now that he has the time. He took some pic’s of the procedure.
Sunday, Bill worked on repacking the wheel bearings, lubricating the self adjusters and backing plate on the brakes. He also measured the remaining brake shoe and magnet (he thinks we still have about 60% life on the shoes), and lubricated the EZ Flex shackles. He also inspected the shocks and bushing (he said the bushing are showing signs of wear and he will keep a close eye on them). He also inspected the leaf springs and retaining clamps (he bent one clamp back as it looked like it opened slightly.) Well, it took longer than he thought it would, so he only got one done. He was glad he did as the bearing grease was pretty dirty and shackles were dry. I am sure you all realize that I have absolutely no idea what any of this means – I’m just typing what I am told.
Monday, Bill and I packed our lunches and off to Amazon we went! I made it 2 hours, thankfully my scanner didn’t want to send me upstairs, nor all over the building, before VTO was offered. I took it. My knees are better, but I am so nervous to have them hurt anymore, I figured it was best not to push it. I saw Kelly (from HR) in the cafeteria before I left and asked him about moving to a different department. He told me about going to a doc and getting the restrictions on paper. UGH!
I went in Tuesday and went to see Kelly in HR again. I told him that I wanted to go see a doc and get moved to a different position, one that does not involve so much walking. He took me over to AmCare, which is like the nurse’s office, only it is staffed with EMT’s and paramedics. They “interviewed” me about my knees, and determined that this was a workers comp case. So, they first sent me to an Occupational Therapist, which I agreed to b/c the office was right in town, only about 3 miles up the road. The doc is all the way in Elizabethtown (E-town to locals), which is about 50 miles away. What he didn’t tell me, and I found out when I brought back the paper with her advice (continued Aleve/Advil and ice every 2 to 3 hours, even during work hours and being moved to a job with less walking), is that they aren’t allowed to restrict my job based on her advice, only a doc. I was so annoyed, asking then why send me there at all? Bill told me later that it’s b/c if I only see her and not a doc, they don’t have to officially open a workers comp claim. Sneaky little buggers. He was right though b/c as soon as I said I wanted to see the doc then, a whole lot more papers came out to be explained and signed.
Wednesday I got up and out early to drive the 50 miles each way to E-Town. I waited an hour to see the doc. Once he finally came in, at least he was nice. He did a pretty thorough exam on my knees and determined that I have the beginnings of arthritis and what I am experiencing now is a flare-up due to overuse. He gave me a prescription, after freaking out a bit about how much Aleve/Advil I’ve been taking. He agreed that using ice throughout the day was a good idea.
I went home, changed into my “work” clothes and down the street to Amazon I go. Short version of a much longer story is this: they cannot accommodate my restrictions, so I am not able to go back to work until at least after I see the doc again next week. I am so disappointed, annoyed, upset, angry – all these crazy things all at once. I came here to work, not sit home. I have plans for that money – remember I told you about the day I did (tried to do) calculations in my head for how many miles I earned toward Alaska for every hour I worked? I don’t remember the numbers right now, I was way off anyway, but the point is, that is literally (at least in part) how I see this whole Amazon thing – it is a way to make it easier for us to get to Alaska next summer. So, I am not very happy with myself at this time. I realize, logically, that I didn’t “do” this and it just is what it is, but I am so disappointed that it isn’t going the way I had hoped.
Bill is still doing very well. He is actually really liking it. I’m not surprised, he has a way of keeping himself occupied, even when there is nothing to keep oneself busy with. My son is the same way. I truly don’t understand people like that. Guess it takes all kinds, right? I’m just happy for him that he is doing so well, at least one of us is. In the last 4 days at work he walked 120,863 steps or 57.2 miles!
Speaking of AK, we have had another interview with another CG and hope to hear back from them early next week. We also have another one tomorrow. We really like the location of either one of these two, one is strictly a work for a site deal (3 – 6 hour days per couple), the other is 15 hours per week per couple for the site with extra hours available at an hourly rate. We told them we would like an additional 20 – 25 hours per week per couple, so +/- 20 hours a week each, preferably done in 3, maybe 4 days. I’ll keep you posted. It is my hope that by this time next week, we have something in writing and I can relax about it. Well, you know me by now -maybe relax isn’t the right word, but I can focus more on planning our winter/spring route for after we leave FL and reading the Milepost book.
I will leave you on a good note. One of the packages we received was the RV screen door handle. I had been wanting one forever and Bill had finally ordered us one and it finally arrived. Bill had installed it the day I wen to see the doc in E-Town. Made me smile when I got home!

So sorry to hear about your knees! At least the campground is paid for. And you can pamper Bill and keep him in tip-top shape for the peak of Peak. Bill did a beautiful job on the heated hose. I ended up buying one all put together because all the ones I saw in the campground that people made looked so sloppy. My plans aren’t going exactly how I intended. My sister-in-laws father died a little sooner than expected so I gave up a beautiful campsite and picked her up. I drove about 6 hours yesterday. Another 6 today, and I think I’ll have her in Buffalo. Poor baby!
So sorry for your loss! Safe travels!
Bill says he agrees – most homemade hoses look pretty rough – that’s why he spent the extra time to completely wrap his in tape. Hopefully it holds up better!
Glad to get to know you guys better. Hope your knees get better so that Alaska money rolls in!
Thanks for reading Laurie! Bill and I loved spending time with you guys and the other RV Dreamers. What a beautiful afternoon! Hope we get to do it again!
so sorry your knees are inflamed….my knees are not the best, I dont think they would make it either…, for next winter I highly reccomend where we are staying, they have an unpublished special Sept-DEc of flat rate $750 Gold Canyon RV resort AZ
Thanks Ellen! Where you are sounds awesome! Hope we get to see you and Mario this coming winter!
I have thought about the Amazon gig when we go full time (soon as the house sells) but after reading some and researching job requirements, I may try to find something that’s not quite so strenuous or at least not so many hours on my feet. Hoping your arthritis calms down soon
Thanks for reading Debbie! I hope to be back to work this coming up week after seeing the doc Wednesday. I’m fairly certain I won’t be allowed to pick but there are other positions I might be able to do, packing or even gift wrap. Watch for my update!
So Bill definitely gets the handy husband award. I am crazy impressed all that and walking 57 miles in 4 days. Crazy!!
He has always been my handy hubby! I have never been able to keep up with him! I’m just glad one of us is good!
I tried to comment before but something didn’t work. Anyway, really enjoying your saga in KY. SO sorry about your knees. Hoping something works out for an easier time working. I envy you planning for Alaska. We do want to go back, but now sure when. We are still in Michigan, on our way to Arizona. Our truck needs a new Turbo Booster and we are waiting for an opening in one of the few shops in the Detroit area that can do this. The good news is that my mother, 98 years young, lives nearby and I am really enjoying the extra time with her – and both of my sisters too. However, it is getting cold. We already had to move once as the campground was closing for the season. Sigh…..
Hang in there, both of you. Looking forward to following your experiences.
Hi! How are you guys!? Thanks for reading! I know what you mean about the commenting not always working – I can always comment on other WordPress blogs with no trouble but sometimes when I try to comment on blogspot or others it doesn’t work. Don’t know what that’s about!
Sorry to hear about your truck troubles! But – on the flip side – glad its happening near family so there is an upside! I’m sure it’s getting real cold in Michigan – it’s been cold here already!
So glad you reached out! Keep in touch!
I need to spend some time with Bill this winter to learn how to do some of those maintenance items!
If/when we end up parked near one another – he would be happy to help with whatever you need!