Williams Fork Reservoir

Our next stop involved a slightly longer drive and about 2,800 feet of elevation gain. You may recall we had scouted out this spot on a day trip with Jo & Ben and David & Sharon, as they would be joining us, as well as Claudia, our next install client.

We were the last to arrive on the peninsula, after a later than hoped for departure time. Bill had needed to spend a couple of hours with the inverter install to explain how it worked and how he could check all the numbers from his phone. Thankfully, Jo & Ben and David & Sharon were there to greet Claudia and make sure she knew she was in the right place.

We found everyone, got parked and when we stopped to look, we were in awe of the beautiful place we would be spending the next week or so.

Bill and David got to work the following morning. Claudia had lots of experience with solar, having had full systems on a few of her previous rigs.

The install took 3 days to complete, it was nice for Bill to have a good helper! Thanks David! We celebrated the completion of the install with a yummy steak dinner!


During our time together, out on the peninsula, we enjoyed our time relaxing, getting chores done and watching beautiful sunrises and sunsets. There was also some gorgeous storm cloud drama. All of them were wonderful, but which is your favorite?








Sharon & I spent an afternoon soaking in the Hot Sulphur Springs pools. Some were comfortably warm, others were HOT – too hot for us anyway!

Hot Sulphur Springs also has hotel-type rooms The discoloration is from all the minerals in the water Beautiful surroundings! The largest family pool – nice to get in a cool off after soaking in the hot tubs

One by one, starting with Jo & Ben, then David & Sharon, and lastly Claudia, everyone moved on, leaving Bill & I alone. We do love friend time but “us” time is also very nice.

Bill decided to change brakes on my car before we moved on. As is usual, when he was done, he took the car for a ride to test them. It was late in the afternoon and, as usual, was becoming windy. After he went up the hill and was out of sight – it started getting very windy. Our awnings were already in, but it was getting bad enough that I found myself considering pulling in the slides. I quickly found the cat and moved items out of the way so I could bring in the bedroom slide, as we have had trouble with the slide topper on that slide in the past. I brought in all three slides and the rig was rocking! Next I heard was something banging on the roof! The bedroom slide topper had unfurled and had broken off and the metal bracket was hitting the roof! I called Bill and told him to hurry! As he came down the hill, I saw that our neighbor, who was in a tent and also had a screen room, was struggling. Bill quickly climbed onto our roof (I know – not the safest but he wanted to minimize the damage) and had to cut the slide topper off, and I had to throw him a screw driver so he could fully remove the brackets. He then threw the whole thing onto the ground.

We then went to help our neighbor with his tent, as he was about to lose it. He was grateful for the help.

Then, as quickly as it started, the wind died off. Bill climbed up again to more fully inspect the roof damage. There was a hole in our shower skylight, thankfully only the outer part. Our bedroom air conditioner cover had pieces broken off it, but the A/C itself was fine. He quickly made some makeshift repairs to make it water tight. I am so glad my man is so handy!

David & Sharon had moved to a different site on Stillwater Pass, which we had scouted out the same day we found Williams Fork. We went to visit them there one evening. There was room for us and they assured us we were more than welcome to join them. We happily decided we would move there in a couple of days.

You will have to check back next time to see what we found to do there!

Previous post: Denver Area – Two Installs and More

Next up: Stillwater Pass

Last but not least:

I’ve got to give credit for this weeks featured post to our solar install client, Claudia, who took this while out on her kayak.

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16 thoughts on “Williams Fork Reservoir

  1. we have had topper damaged, too….but due to a sudden dust devil. We now put in all slides when it even looks like it could get windy.

    1. Since we’ve had trouble with the bedroom one before, that was the first in, but was too late. Now, there is wind where we are, and I’m doing what you said – bringing them in earlier. Except the bedroom, don’t have to worry about that for now!

  2. The calm reflection of your rig in the water on your cover photo sure does not give reason to suspect it was the calm before the wind storm! Bill is so darn handy I’m looking forward your write-up on his replacing the topper and damage repair – yeah I’m sure he’ll do a good job!

    1. Thanks, Jeff! The mornings were always calm like that, wind would pick up in the afternoon. Just got really bad that one afternoon. You bet we will be doing a post about the repairs!

    1. It is a gorgeous place for sure! The wind in the higher elevations seem to just come out of no where – no warning at all! Its the one thing I am not liking about this part of CO!

  3. It’s been really fun connecting with the two of you over the summer here in Colorado. It was great meeting Claudia and her puppy, Raven. Looking forward to our next rendezvous!

    1. Agreed – spending time with you guys, and other RV Dreamers family, has been one of the best parts of this summer! And it ain’t over yet!

  4. Nice spot and great sunsets! Too bad about the wind damage though. Safe travels!

    1. We loved it there! I’m sure Bill will replace that slide topper once we get to TX! Safe travels to you too!

  5. My vote on your pictures is #2. You just can’t beat those colors. I am wanting to head to Williams Fork Reservoir when we leave here (probably September 25th!). Is it fairly easy to find the peninsula you were on? That looks like a perfect place to decompress and hit the hot springs for a few days. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Obviously, I like them all! You should see how many I have that I had to narrow it down from! I can check and see if I still have the coordinates – you will love it out there, just be aware of the wind!

  6. Those crazy winds are something! Glad the damage was minimal. Loved all the sky/cloud pictures! What a great place to spend with friends!

    1. I’ve never seen such crazy wind, especially with clear skys! Damage, while bad enough, could have been worse for sure! Bill had pics on his phone, which was lost before it got backed up.

  7. It seems everywhere I have been since I left Williams Fork, the wind kicks up in the afternoon so the slide and awning are pulled in. I spent a week a Blue Mesa Reservoir (west of Gunnison), perfect place for you water lovers. There were lots of sale boats and fishing boats. The solar is working beautifully, even though there have been clouds and showers almost every afternoon. There are enough panels that the batteries are fully charged by the end of the day.

    1. Thanks so much for letting us know how you are doing! You can feel free to put a review on the RV Solar Solutions Facebook and/or website. That would be awesome!
      p.s.: we had an even worse wind experience – will post about it in a couple weeks

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