After I hit “publish” on last year’s summary post, with COVID front and center, I had decided to look forward to year seven on the road with the hopefulness that things would improve. For a while, they did, until they didn’t. Delta hit. Thinking about this makes me so upset, it may not be the best day for me to write this post, but for now, I’ll keep typing and see where the keys lead me.
I began last year’s post by saying “To be honest, I’ve struggled with this post.” I could have used that exact wording this year. Don’t get me wrong, we had a difficult year our year 6 on the road (August 29, 2019 – August 29, 2020.) In most ways year 7 has been greatly improved – our second granddaughter was born in all her perfectness. She is currently 10 months old and we just love her! We were able to get to OBX in the fall of 2020 and again in the spring of 2021! Awesomeness! We purposely made (relatively) minor travel adjustments to see friends, which was appreciated by all. We’ve been here in PA, spending time with our daughter, Freya, and getting to know our Arwen – all great things. Our son, who wasn’t doing too well at the beginning of the year, is now doing better – more good news!
Why then am I still feeling blah? Sounds like maybe I’m depressed? I’ve considered it – maybe I am a little – I don’t know, but what I do know is that at least some of it is I’m once again (still) tired of having to always be hyper careful about being anywhere away from the safety of my home, wearing a mask all the time, having to consider the need for a booster vaccine. Maybe it’s just learning that a solar install friend was just admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and COVID. Maybe it was hearing of the death of a friend’s ex-husband (father of her 2 children) from COVID. His children couldn’t be with him in person so said their goodbyes over a zoom call. He was an anti-vaxxer and anti-mask wearer. I find myself wanting to say “well, he asked for it” but did he? Does anyone? Does that thinking/feeling help his children or my friend? Of course not. Could it have been prevented? Most likely. Does that make me angry? You betcha.
(Update on my friend in the hospital with COVID and pneumonia: he was vaccinated and thankfully only spent a few days in the hospital and is now home and recovered. Also noteworthy – his wife and family didn’t catch it as they were all also vaccinated). I don’t think it needs to be said, but I’ll say it anyway – the contrast of these two situations is playing out all over the world. Which side of it do you want to be on?)
What makes it even more difficult is people near and dear to me have decided not to get the vaccine. Not so far anyway. As of today, they are all fine. My friend’s ex was fine – until he wasn’t. It happened very quickly. It makes me angry, makes me sad, and biggest of all – it scares me – real bad. This virus is BAD. I’ve experienced a lot of death of loved ones in my life – several of them way too young; I guess anyone who reaches the age of 56 has to expect their share of loss. When an accident or illness happens to someone and they do all they can to save themselves, but lose the fight, at least they’ve tried. Now with the availability of the vaccine, something can be done ahead of time. Each of the people I’m referring to (and I’m not naming names on purpose) has their personal reasons for not getting it. I’ve talked to each at great length and ultimately I’ve decided to ask myself a wise question someone asked me years ago: Would you rather be right or have a relationship? I’ve chosen the relationship(s).
Ok – I’m done. I’ll get off the soapbox now. Let us find out if I can salvage this post.
Getting back to summarizing our year – in spite of the virus still swirling around us, and my drooping mood today, I can say we’ve had a pretty good year. We’ve welcomed our granddaughter Arwen. Visits with family. Solar installing has been as busy as we want it to be. Two separate stops in OBX. A couple of weeks down the Jersey shore, including a week with, our daughter and her family while there. Visits and extended stays with friends. All excellent reminders of why we live as we do. Would we do it all over again? (the most asked question we get) and the answer we reply over and over again – YES!
While it is difficult to say goodbye at each stop (especially those little girls!), we always focus on what’s before us – the next stop. The next stop brings its own specialness. While the last few years have become a bit “routine” in terms of the travel loop we’ve been doing, that’s ok. We try to keep it at least somewhat varied so there are new things to see and do.
One of the best parts of this year was bringing the girls down the shore with us. I don’t want to speak for my daughter or son-in-law, but Bill and I both enjoyed that time so much. What we’d love to happen is that when the girls get old enough, we can bring them with us on our adventures, showing them some of the more special places we’ve been – or maybe better yet – going to a totally new and exciting place for the first time for all of us. Either way, that is something we definitely want to do.
Speaking of the future, last year’s summary mentioned that we were thinking about what our exit strategy or next step plan B might look like. We’ve spent some time investigating a few possibilities, but no consensus yet. So, we keep looking, keep investigating. I’m sure if we continue to keep an open mind to possibilities, when the time is right we will know it.
More speaking about the future, next year we (hopefully) will be spicing it up with some different types of travel. A lot of it depends on the virus, but if all is good we will be doing a Caribbean cruise and a European trip. Stay tuned!
Without further ado – our fav pics from year 7

So, there you have it – year 7 of our full-time life! I love doing these posts because I love looking back on the pics and remembering all the wonderful things we did and the people we spent time with.
Previous Post: Summertime in Somerset – Part 1
Next Up: Summertime in Somerset – Part 2/Year 7 By the Books
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Great post and very honest. Sorry you have been blah. This COVID stuff has been hard. I lost my mom from it. I feel much safer since we have been vaccinated but my daughter still got it even being vaccinated. Love all your pictures. What a great year even with COVID. And anytime you can add a new grandchild, what could be better. Hugs to you and Bill. Take care and safe travels.
Thanks Chris! It’s been a mix of a year for sure – highs and lows – and Arwen’s birth was the BEST for sure! So sorry about your Mom – too many have lost their lives. Looking forward to seeing you and Frank soon! ♥️
Great blog!! I’m so glad you’re still posting.
Thanks Dee – I appreciate your support!
B&K, This post echoes the feeling we’ve been having over the last year. Thank you for this post. It helps me put a few things in perspective (someone else feels the same as me at least). Hugs to you both. Stay safe & enjoy those grand babies! We’ll be in Jojoba hills for the winter (a far cry from boondocking out in the desert for 6 months). We look forward to seeing you both again in a time when life looks more ‘normal’. ♥️♥️♥️👍 Walter. FYI… Love the pic… We made the post! ♥️♥️
Thanks for reaching out – I’ve always found it is easier to go through things when you know you aren’t alone – so I’m glad I could help you out with that! Sometimes when I start typing (this post for example) I reread and think “what a whiny crybaby!” but that isn’t really true is it? Sometimes things just suck and it’s best to say it out loud and bring it into the light so it isn’t as scary. And – of course you made the post – friend visits (especially in OBX) are the BEST! Hugs and safe travels!
I know you live in a land yacht but how do you intend to make it seaworthy? lol RE: Caribbean cruise and a European trip. Time sure flies, it must have been 7 years ago when Jody and I first saw your rig in Georgia.
It was 7 years ago! Hard to believe! What a fun time that was!
As far as our travels next year – you’ll have to stay tuned!
So many great me memories! And of course those with the grands will always be the best.
Grands are the very best!
Really enjoyed this post. We have had many of the same feelings this year as well. Glad to hear you are still enjoying visiting the wonderful spots in the country. Best of luck whatever you decide is “next”!
Thanks David! It’s great to hear from you! Hope all is well with you and Celia! Safe travels!
Rock on! Seven years and going strong. On the exit strategy, we certainly understand the need to plan for it, we’ve barely started our travels in this lifestyle but we already have some ideas on just where we’d like to base a future “sanctuary” to operate from at some point(TBD) in the future. Hope to cross paths with you again.
We hadn’t thought much about a Plan B until others started buying land and building on it. Hope all is well with you and Cindi!
Thanks for speaking out about COVID vaccination, that was brave!
We will be in TX near Austin Nov and Dec if you come west. Would love to see you again and catch up.
Hi Mary! We won’t be in TX until after the holidays, so if you find yourselves staying into January, it would be awesome to see you guys!
As far as talking about the vaccine – I tell it like I see it. Others have the same right – even when they are wrong.
Lovely post my dear friend and so glad once again we made your highlight reel. Love you
Thanks Tracy! Love you too
It really has been a mixed bag of a year hasn’t it?! I share your experiences and your frustration with the reality of COVID Year Two. We also lost a dear friend, unvaccinated and unmasked who didn’t need to die and leave his daughters and granddaughter. It still continues to limit our group interactions, still impacts our planning. The beach time looks fun, and the snowy night is so pretty! Wonderful you were able to spend a lot of time with the grands, they’re so precious. We too are looking forward to trips with some of them along for the fun!
So sorry to hear about your friend. It is always particularly sad when death happens when it could have been preventable. The beach was amazing – always is! We agree – grands are the BEST!