Back in the USA!

We lifted our jacks and left Pinellas County after the one night in Clearwater. After returning from Ecuador, we were tired and we would have preferred to stay in Clearwater a few more days, but the cost was (to us) a ridiculous $95 a night! Our friends Brian & Sue were staying at the Elks Lodge in Zephyrhills and said there was a site available for us – so off we went! The savings was significant as the Lodge only charged us $140 for a full week!

Zephyrhills Elks Lodge #2731. Their sites were along the edge of their property on the side and back of the building.
Cool looking flowers at the lodge.

Aside from the financial reason, we decided to go stay at the Elks with Brian & Sue because we knew they were getting ready for their permanent move to Ecuador and we wanted to spend some additional time with them. We knew they were busy downsizing (emptying their 5th wheel and getting it ready to sell) but I was sure they would make time for us, which they did!

We also wanted time to decompress from our trip before starting toward Texas. We considered a longer route, maybe taking in some sites, but after all the excitement of the previous month, we opted to keep it simpler. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Bill had “paperwork” he wanted to catch up on. I guess it isn’t actual paper, but more his spreadsheets. His goal was to get 2023 closed out for taxes, as much as possible anyway since we were waiting on a 1099. I went and spent a day with my sister, and another with my parents. We had food shopping to catch up on. I wanted Callie to feel settled back in her home before a multi-day drive across the south east.

Didn’t get any pics, but took this short video of the Sand Hill Cranes. They are so cool!
crossing Tampa Bay into Pinellas County.

While I went thrifting with my Mom, Bill took a walk through Lake Seminole Park and took a few great shots!

Huge turtle!
My fav!

Fun time with Brian & Sue was top on the required to-do’s list! I think its fair to say the highlight was visiting the Zephyrhills Municipal Airport. If I were you, I’d be wondering why too! The airport is where there is a sky-diving school! The four of us headed over one day to watch the sky-divers come down. While I can’t 100% speak for anyone else, I think its fair to say we all enjoyed it!

People packing the parachutes.
These Army Rangers were practicing and the guy in the middle was a former Ranger, who just happened to be there watching. The sky-divers seemed to know him (or at least knew of him) and asked for their pic with him.
This is too long to have on WordPress, so click above to watch the Rangers land right in front of us!

We also spent a couple of hours at a flea market that Sue heard about. While it wasn’t nearly as exciting at the sky divers, seeing what people attempt to sell is always a hoot.


Another day, we headed to our favorite place for everything strawberry – Parkesdale Farm Market!

They have more than strawberries!
Enjoying our strawberry shakes!

Time with Brian & Sue wouldn’t be complete without visiting a brewery or distillery, so we made that happen one afternoon.

Brian & Sue opted to stay home the evening we went to a local festival, where they also had a car show!

This one was my fav! Bill had one just like it (except in brown) back in the day. I used to sit on the center console.
We sampled these corn cakes, not sure we would get them again.

We all also enjoyed drinks at the bar in the lodge – they tend to be much easier on the budget than other establishments.

While there wasn’t sewer on-site, there was one near our RV, so Bill got out our macerator pump and emptied our tanks before we left!

Our week FLEW by and it was soon time to start our trek toward Texas. It was not easy saying “see you later” to Brian & Sue as we knew they would be making their move to their new home in Cuenca Ecuador. Good thing for WhatsApp, which is how we keep in touch now. As of this writing, they are moved into a beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment near El Centro. Their custom made bed has already been delivered and they are waiting on their couches. Their Spanish is improving and they are loving all the steps they get in each day as they explore their new home city. Who knows, maybe someday we will take them up on their offer and go visit. We will miss not being able to cross paths with them here in the USA, but we wish them all the best in their new adventure! Love you guys!

Previous Post: Cuenca Ecuador #6

Next Up: Mardi Gras!

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10 thoughts on “Back in the USA!

  1. Welcome Home!!!
    I have the Sand Hill Cranes relaxing, but have yet to experience them in flight. They posed nicely for you.
    You found a nice car show to wander thru.

    1. I love the sound the Sand Hill Cranes make – makes me think of dinosaurs! The car show did have some nice cars!

  2. Lots of fun upon your return!! It’s always nice to have time to unwind after a big trip, but yeah I’d have moved away from those rates quickly as well. I love watching skydivers. Like surfers, nothing I’ve done but still enjoy a lot. After all the amazing market pics in Equador, that little farmers’ market is a step down, although still tasty looking. The cars look so pretty at night!

    1. It was an easy decision to head to the Elks! I’ve seen skydivers from a distance before but never so close up! I’ll admit I was a little afraid if someone’s parachute didn’t open. There was a memorial there of someone who died there like a year ago! So sad! We’ve been to Parkesdale many times but you’re right their selection and prices didn’t compare at all to Ecuador. Only thing was their strawberry shakes are fantastic! The cars were very cool – lots from our “era”

  3. Great pictures. You guys have been so busy.
    I hope we can get together when you make your way to Florida next time.

  4. Wish we had Elk Lodges in Canada to stay at. There’s no mistaking the calls of the Sandhill Cranes. We get them here too during their migration. Safe travels!

  5. Thanks, Kelly! We had so much fun with you in Ecuador then again in Zephyrhills. It is fun to know that you got to get a nice exposure to our new hometown! I know it’s hard for people to imagine much less understand why we wanted to move here.

    There are a few (I think 3) Elks Lodges in Canada 🇨🇦. We stayed at one on our way to Alaska.
    We love you, Bill and Callie also and hope you will return here some day!

    1. We had such a fantastic time with you guys! We shall see – maybe we will fly south again to spend more time in your new city and country!

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