Arriving in South West PA

I’m not sure how interesting I can make a new post about our summer in Somerset PA near our girls. While Bill and I love being here to spend quality time with our family, I can only imagine how boring it must get for you guys. I’ll keep this short, in an attempt to accomplish two things: 1) not cause unplanned naps, and 2) catch up on this blog. It is a constant struggle, and while I do love my blog, time flies so fast any more, I type up a post and promise myself I will keep up from now on – only to break that promise within weeks.

Our summer home!

I’ve already told you about our arrival to Hickory Hollow and how Freya and Arwen got to see us get here, watch Pop get us parked, and then see Nani’s RV all closed up before pushing the slide button and watching it open up. They were both so excited by the whole process.

Looking back on my pics, I realize we have spent a lot of time with them, some at their house, but mostly here at the campground. They love the playground and especially the BIG pool. Their bathing suits, sunblock, and swimmies live here. We’ve also taken them to the kids activities here at the campground, which happen on Saturdays. They’ve been having a great time!

Getting ready to make personalized chocolate candy bars during a campground activity.
First Hayride of the season!
Big pool time!

The gifts we brought them from Ecuador and Lake Charles were well received and have been played with a lot.

They LOVED the Mardi Gras masks! Thanks again Cindy!

We’ve had a couple of installs. We would both like to be just a little busier, but we are hanging in there. The number of quote requests is on the low side, but more recently (it’s 8/15 as I type this) we’ve seen more quote requests come in, which is great.

Goose family

Highlights of the first part of our summer here include attending the girls dance recital. It was Freya’s second one (we were unable to go last year), and Arwen’s first. They were both so adorable! They also received promotion certificates for their preschool classes. Freya will be starting kindergarten when school goes back and Arwen will be heading back for a second year of preschool.

Freya and I played with Light Bright – which used to be one of my fav’s when I was a kid.
They always love the sliding board
Freya’s and Arwen’s Great Grandmother on Derek’s side got them this beautiful play house for their backyard.
Out for a walk in the campground
Pop’s armload of granddaughters!

I was able to go and visit with our son one day, which was great! I treated him to a nice lunch and took him to a couple of stores that it hard for him to get to without his own vehicle. It made me happy to get to spend the time with him. Sadly I didn’t get a pic.

Before we knew it, it was time for our annual trek to NJ for the 4th of July with friends, family visits, and beach time! More on that next time!

Previously: Moving North!

Next Time: Down The Shore

Looking forward: 10 YEARS OF RV LIFE!

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Posted in TXTagged full time RVRVRV family timesrv full-timeRV lifestyle

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