Getting to Texas!

As per our usual, we headed out of FL and TX was our long-term destination. Granted, it was about 5 weeks later than usual due to our Ecuador trip. We stopped three times, each at an Elks Lodge, before landing in Lake Charles at our friends house. I’m sure you remember Cindy and James – as we’ve stayed with them before. Generally we only have a day or two with them, but this time we had a longer stay planned.

Our first Elks Lodge was a new one to us in Tallahassee FL. We got parked and went in for a drink at the bar. Unfortunately, I unintentionally over-indulged. Bill helped get me home. It was not pretty. I’ll spare you all the ugly details. Suffice it to say, I haven’t drank since. ‘Nuff said.

Parked next to the building.
This furniture was bought from the first ever Elks Lodge #1 in Lynbrook NY.

Further down the road the next day we, for the second time, parked up at Fort Walton Elks. We went inside, Bill had a drink (I declined), and afterwards we took a walk on the beach and were treated to a beautiful sunset.

Parking backs up to Miracle Strip Parkway, and while it’s a busy street during the day, it quiets down nicely in the evening.
Taken from the deck of the lodge. Choctawhatchee Bay.
Taken from across the street, Gulf of Mexico.

The end of day three we were met by Lee, the camphost at Slidell Elks Lodge, and he helped get us settled. I think this was our third or fourth visit to this great lodge!

Beautiful peaceful location.
We came across this great spot while taking a walk on the Elks property.

Finally, on day four, James and Cindy greeted us with hugs. James helped Bill get while Cindy and I started catching up on their front porch. We had 5 nights planned with these two – and it was happening during Mardi Gras! Gumbo tasting, parades, and a distillery tour were on the to-do list!

Our 5th Wheel looks almost as big as their house!
yummy dinner
Mardi Gras themed tree at the Gumbo Tasting. We must have tasted 10 – 12 gumbo’s. Some good, some not.
There was a kind of parade that went around the hall.
Some people take things (dressing up) very seriously.
Loved all the fancy umbrellas.
Visit to Yellowfin Distillery. Who knew there was Yellowfin tuna in the Gulf of Mexico? I didn’t.
Their still.
Waiting for the Mardi Gras parade to begin.
Thankfully the parade was only a short walk from their house. Parking would have been a nightmare.
Motorcycle cops
We had never been to a Mardi Gras parade before, so we didn’t know what to expect.
We got good at catching the beads and candy!
The floats just kept coming…
and coming…
and coming…
That might be Cindy’s hand ready to catch beads or candy.
I’m not sure if this was the last float or just the last one I took a pic of.
Our loot!

Usually when we leave out of their yard, we don’t have a plan for a next visit. This time, we had dates in our calendar and they are coming to PA! It will be so nice to show them around!

Thank you so much to Cindy and James for their hospitality! Safe travels!

Our final night on the road before our winter stay with Cori & Greg was in Katy at (guess where?) the Elks Lodge there.

Parked at Katy TX Elks Lodge.

On February 15, ten days after pulling out of Zephyrhills, we drove up the driveway at the Center for Mental Wellness. It was so nice to get parked and see our friends! There was a lot going on, which I talked about in a previous post. You can click HERE to read all about Greg retiring RV Solar Solutions, while Bill and I started RV Energy Solutions.

Previous Post: Back in the USA

Next time: Winter in Texas!

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6 thoughts on “Getting to Texas!

  1. I wish I knew you were only 6 miles from me in Ft. Walton. I would have come out to say hello.

  2. Mardi Gras in Texas … who knew ??? Guess it has a presence everywhere – like Cinco de Mayo.
    Great meeting up withs such wonderful friends!

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